Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Homer Ak.

Today we went to "The Spit" in Homer. The Spit is a long road with with a big fishing population. Here is where 'The Deadliest Catch' begins. There are fish canning plants as well as large freezing facilities. We watched as a boat unloaded its catch. It looked like each fish was weighed,then iced down and when a big box was full a fork lift came and took it to the processing plant. I found the 'salty dog bar' and bought a t-shirt. It opened at 11am. and buy 11:02 every seat at the bar was full of rugged looking dock workers. We bought some salmon to grill, it was delicious. We ate lunch at Captain Pattie's. We sat by a window overlooking the ocean.We went to a visitors center and then back to the RV about 4PM. Grilled the salmon and now to do the blog. Internet service has been a little slow and sometimes I haven't been able to get connected. Tomorrow we will head to Anchorage and get ready to turn the RV in on Thursday morning. We will ly out of Anchorage Thursday afternoon to Seattle then to Detroit and then Lansing arriving around 9:30 Friday morning. We are trying to eat everything in the refrigerator before we turn the RV. We are not going to make it. We bought a grill and 4 lawn chairs and a coffee pot, Nancy is going to have a tag sale to get rid of that stuff.[we'll see]

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